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charity auction dresser: ride for rocky

We were recently asked by a friend and client if we would consider donating one of our pieces for an upcoming charity event. When she told us about the event and the story behind it, we were honored to do what we could. This little cutie is one her way right now to an auction to support "Ride for Rocky", a fundraiser in honor of Raquel Rose Rankin, a little girl who was was killed in a car accident. The money goes to support needy families through the church that Raquel belonged to, as well as Cardinal Glennon Hospital, where she was taken care of until she died. The event features a ride (bikes, cars, etc) with auction stops along the way to raise money.

I am praying that this little donation will get some bids and help contribute towards the cause!! Here is what we started with :-)

Overall, we had a nice solid piece to work with. We loved the serpentine shape and thought the original knobs were pretty cool, sort of understated, so they had to stay!! We chose General Finishes Lamp Black because we wanted to appeal to the largest amount of bidders for the auction. The black pieces we do always seem to get the most "likes" on Facebook. We sanded down the top and used Java Gel Stain to give a beautiful finish. The fabric for the drawers came from Hobby Lobby (I love how it just blends with the dresser). Knobs were sprayed Rustoleum Flat Chestnut. Here are some fun pictures of the beautiful details:

Wish her luck and lots of bids at the auction!! If you'd like to find out more about the annual "Ride for Rocky" fundraiser, you can visit the Facebook event here. Raquel was a beautiful shining light and we are touched by her story.

UPDATE: We are thrilled to announce that our pretty little buffet raised lots of money for the "Ride for Rocky" and we even got a picture of its new home!! The lady that won the bid shared a photo of her gorgeous sun room and lookie what adorns her space!!!!

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